When Beast and Trendy meets for the first time, to enable the Taiwanese to know more about beast. Trendy has asked a few intresting question for Beast members to answer.
Q : Inside Beast, who dance the best ?
A : Lee Kikwang (Other than kikwang himself who chose Hyun Seung, every other members chose him).
Reason : Yoseob said “Kikwang has a lot of passion for dance, whats more that, when he doing activities as “AJ” he was also using dance as his main form of performance. But our Hyun Seung also dances very well okay!”
Q : Who has the nicest body in Beast ?
A : Lee Kikwang (Other than Kikwang himself, everybody chose him .
REASON : Doo Joon said “The last time when we performed, he pulls a bit of his shirt to show his body, the fans just kept screaming” Jun Hyung said ” Kikwang is very focus into excercising to build up his body, therefore his body was the most fittest.”
Q : Who loves to go online in beast ? (Responsible for activities with b2uties)
A : Doo Joon (even doo joon chose himself too LOL I love you leader!!)
Reason : Yes, its me. Im in charge of the online world in beast! Not only am I responisble for activities with b2uties, im also concerned for the members articles. Of cause, Im more concerned about my own articles! However, I will be responsble, and of cause being concerned over the other members articles.
Q : Whose the most cutest member in beast?
A : Yoseob (All members agreed and even yoseob pose a ‘ya’ handsign)
Reason : Yoseob “I have to explain this very carefully, im actually not that cute, but after knowing the members. I feel like im being trained by the members to be a cute guy now. All thanks to them, my cuteness is getting so good now!” Under the request of Trendy, Yoseob was being asked to demostrate on how to be cute. Yoseob with his very cute look and angelic voice , he said “Hello everybody, im yoseob”. Maybe due to the extreme marshy-ness, the members of beast all laugh and want to walk away, and even the trendy interviewer was laughing till they want to fall off.
Q : Whose the most lazy on the bed till they dont want to wake up ?
A : Kikwang (Other than Hyun Seung, every other elses chose kikwang)
Reason : After seeing the rest of the members choosing kikwang, he immediately changes his answer “since everybody chose kikwang, I have to follow the majority ” and changes his option to kikwang . Kikwang cofess embarassingly “It seems like… I dont have any excuses to deny anymore” In this apology, this game interview was ended in laughters.
Q : Di antara para member BEAST, siapakah yang paling hebat dalam menari?
Lee Ki Kwang (AJ) memilih Hyun Seung, sedangkan kelima member lainnya menunjuk Ki Kwang.
Yooseob : Ki Kwang punya passion yang sangat tinggi dalam menari, bahkan ketika ia debut sebagai AJ-pun, menari adalah daya tarik utamanya. Tapi selain Ki Kwang, Hyun Seung juga dapat menari dengan sangat baik.
Q : Siapa member BEAST yang punya tubuh terbaik?
Selain Ki Kwang, semua member lainnya lagi-lagi memilih dirinya.
Doo Joon : Terakhir kali kami tampil di panggung, Ki Kwang mengangkat sedikit bajunya untuk memamerkan tubuhnya dan semua fans terus menjerit tanpa henti.
Jun Hyung : Ki Kwang adalah member yang paling memperhatikan tubuhnya dan paling rajin berolahraga, oleh karena itu dia punya tubuh yang paling fit di antara kami semua.
Q : Siapa member BEAST yang paling sering online ? (paling sering berkomunikasi dengan b2uties -sebutan bagi para fans BEAST)
Semua member memilih Doo Joon. Doo Joon juga menunjuk dirinya sendiri.
Doo Joon : Yeah, aku yang paling sering berkomunikasi dengan para fans dan juga sering mengecek artikel-artikel mengenai BEAST.
Q : Siapa member BEAT yang paling cute? (yang paling sering melakukan aegyo)
Semua member memilih Yooseob.
Yooseob : Sebenarnya aku tidak se-cute itu. Tapi sejak bergabung bersama BEAST, rasanya semua member lainnya melatihku untuk menjadi cute. Jadi aku bisa cute seperti sekarang ini berkat mereka.
Para staff majalah TRENDY kemudian meminta Yooseob untuk melakukan aegyo. Dengan wajahnya yang imut dan suara lucu, Yooseob mengatakan, “Halo, aku Yooseob.” Aksinya ini membuat semua member BEAST lainnya tertawa dan seolah-olah pergi menjauh. Bahkan para staff pun tidak bisa berhenti tertawa.
Q : Member yang paling malas di BEAST, yang paling susah dibangunkan dari tempat tidur ?
Semua member selain Hyun Seung memilih Ki Kwang (again!!), dan karena itu Hyun Seung akhirnya mengubah pikirannya dan ikut-ikutan memilih Ki Kwang juga.
Hyun Seung : Karena mayoritas memilih Ki Kwang, jadi aku juga akan memilihnya (sambil menunjuk ke arah Ki Kwang)
Ki Kwang : … (tidak punya alasan untuk membela diri) *Aaaa~ AJ, you’re sooo cute XD We have the same habit ^^ it’s hard for me to get up from bed too hahaha *
Semua yang hadir di ruangan itu tertawa melihat reaksi Ki Kwang, dan dengan demikian berakhirlah sesi interview TRENDY dengan BEAST
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